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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Necessary lessons: Messages from our ascended light friends.

 Light is shining fast towards us all my fellow friends.
We are all in need now of communicating more freely amongst others and allow our willingness to learn of what others have been too afraid. We call upon all angels and lightworkers to receive our unconditional love and support from the clouds above and know that we are all watching quite intently with the unfolding of many circumstances. Like many of you; you have all witnessed your own necessary growth to fully allow ascension. In time you will feel the benefits of all the changes that were necessary. And we know in time you will cease to doubt our loyalty to planet earth. We are all here with you and we have never lost sight of you, even if for many of you, you have an aloneness; to this we say fear not dear ones for we had never left you but simply have encouraged from afar the lessons that needed to be taught in greatness. We love how so many of you have transitioned nicely through adversities and have come through with flying colours. We know many of you still continue to feel the wrath of some dilemma or misfortune but please allow yourselves to fear not and to trust in the process of plenty. We are all here waiting for this transition. We love you plenty and we can afford to "spread ourselves thin" as you so speak. It is with great knowledge and time that we ask you to be forever patient in our efforts to assist you and become the very part of you that is light for the undying light can never faid but the shadows of many will come to light and your openess to all will bring about your new and highest vibration. We all love you so much and we are so excited with your delievery of messages to the people that may still be unaware. We are excited and elated for your transition and we bring you more joy in the more peace that you require. You are love and you are light and you are forever in our hearts. Let now the truth be told.

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